



晚上十點去買剛出爐的明日早報,登了,是全馬其頓最大報、也是最有公信力的Dnavnek, 期待明天會有一場奮鬥。因為我指名道姓的要馬其頓東正教第一人 - 史提芬大主教出面說明並道歉。文章是用英文寫的,報社有人譯成馬文,台灣的朋友如果有興趣,我三言兩語把個背景說一下,其實我怎麼說你都很難進入狀況,台灣那裡好像有颱風,無聊的話隨便聽聽吧;5年前,幾十位東正教的修士和神父加上6位修女,【叛離】國家教會MOC,加入賽爾維亞母會,被全國及MOC視為不愛國的行為,5年來吃了不少苦頭,被趕出修院,被警察搔擾等等,這些【叛徒】的教會屢次向宗教部登記被拒,目前在【非法營業】中。至於我為何跳進來攪和?世上那麼多的孰是與孰非,老實說只能舀一瓢來探討,早就明白【叛徒】的遭遇,卻一直沒有力氣協助,今天是惹到我了,一個成天鬧著進歐盟的馬其頓,憲法裡的宗教自由是一定的規矩,管你誰對誰錯,公然犯法就叫囂張,於是我寫 :

It’s the Greek again!

by Carol Ann Chang  Taiwan News Agency 29\8\2010


2004, a Greek guy in his Skopje Embassy made a big mistake by throwing a Macedonian passport on the floor, as a result, he was kicked out to the boarder and was sent back home Greece forever! 6 years later, yesterday, 27 August 2010, also a Greek guy was prohibited from entering St. Panteleimon monastery, and the same flame arose after 6 years, and I just have to let it out whatever the price I have to pay, only last time I was the public enemy of the Greek citizen, and this time, I pre-see that I might become the public enemy of the Macedonian citizen. This time, the target is switched - from a Greek to a Macedonian, the Archbishop of MOC - Stephen!

The victim is Archimandrite Epiphanios, he just happened to be a priest, post in Athens, Nationality – Greece. He came to Skopje to attend a church event to celebrate the Dormition of the Mother of God. He was invited as a guest of honor and was kicked out in front of his local hosts. Shock and humiliated was beyond words. He and his friends were literally forbidden from visiting St Panteleimon!

I pull the trigger again, aiming Stephen of MOC, the challenge is – do we have a law in Macedonia or not? Do the citizen and their guest have the right to say a prayer in St. Panteleimon or not? Since when the MOC has the right to label good and bad? Listen, this is your national treasure, supposed to be a Pride of Macedonia, and it’s a shame to end up in such situation. I called on my readers not to be misled to the mud of debate as - who is the REAL Macedonian Orthodox or who is the CLONE. We talk about that topic after this case was solved! Step by step, my argument is very simple - does MOC have the right to stop people from going to St Panteleimon or not? Can anyone answer me?

I pull the trigger, because this is not a single case, it’s becoming a common act! I’ve been experienced the same case, in the same location personally one month ago! I was touring my sister and her colleagues, three of them are PhD. Professors teaching in Hong Kong Lutheran Seminary. At the same location – the St Panteleimon monastery of Skopje. They saw with their own eyes that their friendly host monk Iriney was verbally abused by somebody identified himself as “I am in charge of this monastery” - after we have all done our obligations of buying tickets to enter. “Why didn’t you come and say hello to me?”- was the attitude of the man so called in charged. The act was considered not civilized and rude by my HK friends, and more, we saw a MOC priest standing by the man. Our Hong Kong friends witnessed the scene in their flash eyes and were all astonished, my sister whispering to me “have we done something illegal?” Can you imagine, how these Hong Kongese went back thinking about the trip? And I just feel mad after all the good impression they had about Macedonia and were darkened by this staff of MOC.

Let me repeat my argument again, it’s a matter of Law! Very simple case, and let’s solve this single case first! Did this Greek priest commit any crime against Macedonia law or not? Does the MOC have the right to legally label certain group not allowed to enter St Panteleimon which is a national treasure, or not? If not, I challenge Stephen of MOC to come out of his closet and apologize to the Greek priest Epiphanios and do something about the manager of St Panteleimon. Because it is not just a case of Law, it is endangering the reputation of this country Macedonia.